Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm Back!

I am back and I will now faithfully keep my promise to update the blog more often. Nothing really spectacular or eventful has happened to me since my first and last post back at home. But now that I am back on campus, my days have become expectantly eventful. I move back to campus on Saturday, September 5. I moved in to TH65, directly behind the campus center and diagonal from the greenhouse. It feels so good to be back! I missed campus so much over the summer, and as my time at home was getting shorter and shorter, I grew more anxious to get back to school. Thankfully, I got the Helping Hands job so I got the chance to move-in early.

On Saturday, I move- in at 10:30am. Overall, I love the house, however the room furniture is very dated and there is not much storage space. After my parents and I dropped everything off at the house , we got back in the van to make a trip to Walmart to buy some snack foods, and miscellaneous household items. After we got back to the house, my parents helped me move my storage bins to the room and my mommy made my bed for me (one less thing I have to do) and we said our goodbyes as they headed back to the van to head back to New York. After they left I began opening storage bins and unpacking. My unpacking, however was interrupted ( not that I was disappointed) by my friend Joanne, who to my surprise only lives 8 house down from me in the same block. I went over to Joanne's house and we started recapping our summers and telling each other how much we were ready to come back to school. I helped her add a million word magnets to her refrigerator. We made a bunch of funny phrases like " Study Phys-icks" & a bunch of others I can't remember. I'll have to go visit her fridge sometime soon and laugh at all the siully phrases we made. At 7pm, Joanne & I made our way to the Campus Center to go to the "Helping Hands" meeting, where I found Katt & Shataya(who I texted most of the ride up). At the meeting, we received out T-shirts and learned of our specific duties for tomorrow morning's freshman move-in. When the meeting ended, Joanne went home, while I walked with Shataya and Katt to Shataya's house to see what the set-up was in her house. After, we went to Katt's house to do the same, and we stayed there talking till about 9:30pm, when Shataya & I decided to head back home. when I got home, I ate a bowl of cereal & watched a bit an episode of X-men Evolution, and went to bed at 11pm.

Sunday: Freshman Move-In
I was stationed in Berkshire Towers with Shataya, and was a Hall Monitor ( I didn't get to wear a sash though, I was sad). Katt and Joanne were stationed in Hoosac Hall. So technically, I didn't help anyone move-in, but I did assist in the move-in process, and did carry some bags for parents who were struggling to bring things to their son/ daughter's room. We worked non-stop from 9:30am- 4:30pm, with a 20mins break for lunch. After it was all over, I went back to my house, had a snack, and waited for dinner.

I went to dinner with Katt. The cafe was packed! Apparently everyone went to dinner exactly at 5pm. Katt and I had cheese quesdillas! They were yummy! After dinner, Katt & I went back to the TH complex and talked for while, sitting on the picnic tables. The mosquitoes were horrendous outside, we were bitten so many times. Eventually, we left the picnic tables, and headed to my house, but not before I swatted a mosquito with my hand on my arm. I killed the little blood sucker, but not before he left me w| a mosquito bite and a tricle of blood. Katt & I went to my house and talked some more and we were joined by Joanne soon after. As time progressed, we got hungry, so we decided on making some Mac&cheese. We decided to eat at Katt's since she had a brought a TV w| her to the house. We ate Mac& cheese, while watching, Disney's Camp Rock, and Wizards of Waverly Place, when joined by Shataya later. We left Katt's at 12am and we all headed back to our houses to sleep.

Monday: Official Move-In Day
I woke up at 9am and got dressed, because I didn't wanted to look at bummed out when people started moving into the house today. Joshua, my roommate moved in at 10:30am, followed by my housemate John. I helped Josh and his parents carry bags and storage bins up to the house and carry the big TV up the stairs. after everything was in the house, Josh's parents left and I helped him get situated. At 1:3opm, I went to Walmart with Katt (she drove) and I picked up some more cleaning supplies and Command strips in order to hang stuff up on the wall. I asked Josh if he wanted to join, but he said he would rather stay and finish unpacking, and that he didn't need to buy anything at the moment. At Walmart, I was looking for higher big lifts for my bed so I can use the space under my bed for more storage space, since the bed lifts I had weren't high enough to fit my bulky storage bins under. Unfortunately, Walmart didn't have any bed lifts that were taller than the one I already had, so I'll be going to the Mall tomorrow to see if I'll have any luck at Target. When I got back to the house, Mike another one of my housemates had arrived and his parents were trying to fix up his room. I said hello and headed to my room to organize my room a bit more & find more space for all my clothes. after, I helped Josh rearrange the living room set- up and set-up the television. After that, we all just kept unpacking and situating everything around the house. at 6pm, we ate dinner, which we cook in our house. It was a delicious plate of spaghetti and meatballs!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sleepless In The City

Welcome to Sleepless In The City!
Cool title, huh? I named my blog, Sleepless In The City, because I never usually go to sleep early. so the rest of my future blog posts will be written and posted in the late hours of the night/ morning. As for the the blog's url, I was texting my friend while I made my blogger account & asked what I should title my blog, to which he responded, "Why I Love Dayne." Although, I didn't use his suggestion as my title, I decided to use it as the url. Haha. In addition to creating this blog to express my thoughts, it is also a way for me to keep with touch with people, Dayne, of course being one of them.
I can't believe a year has gone by so fast. I remember the first time I ever met Dayne. It was the first Music Box event of the year and I had come to watch two bands perform. My friend, Hawa, introduced me to Dayne. We shook hands and said "hello." Then, the first thing Dayne asked me was, " Hey, do you know (mutual friend's name)?"
"Yeah," I said, "she worked the summer program I was in, before starting school."
"Oh ok, 'cause she lives in my house, she said she loves you," Dayne said.
"Aww, tell her I love her too," I said, recognizing how I knew Dayne prior to even meeting him.
"She has spoken about you before. It's good to finally meet you," I said.
"Yeah," he said.

Who knew that after that short conversation, our friendship would progress so much. Dayne began working as a desk worker in my residence hall and we used to play board games at the desk, when we were bored. I would also help him with random spanish homework. after a while we ended up exchanging numbers. I'm not going to lie, I always liked talking to him, he was always so friendly, funny, and down to earth. Although, those I was always glad he texted, sometimes I would take hours to respond because I didn't hear/feel my phone vibrating or was sleeping. Oh, and we can't forget the random drunk text messages I would recieve, about how glad he was that we were friends! And going to his house one night in the snow to watch a movie and play Dirt, and everyone there being so tired we just laughed at everything. I can't believe a whole year has gone by! Dayne graduated & is off to China soon to teach at Hebi University! I wish him the best and know that he will enjoy this experience to the fullest, as he loves traveling and seeing the world. I know that the students he recieve in China would love Dayne just as much as I do, if not more.

So I guess, this is honestly the all the real reasons why I love Dayne. It's true what the say, sometimes the people who walk into your life for a short time can change it forever.

I wish you all the best in China, Dayne!
Talk to you soon!